Off To The Races!

What an amazing first full day of activities here at Camp Wildwood in Maine! It was a scorcher out there so we made sure to keep helmet sports off the list. After french toast, bacon, fruit and cereal for breakfast and a cleaning of the bunks, the Cedar Pines, Hemlocks and Oaks participated by bunk in the 2nd Annual Junior Camp Scavenger Hunt. All of the boys had a great time! While that was going on, the Sycamores, Sequoias, Maples and Seniors spent time down at the waterfront completing their deep water swim tests. When they were not in the water, they were enjoying activities like tennis, football, basketball, waterski, climbing and soccer. After chicken quesadillas for lunch and a relaxing rest hour, it was time for the C/Ps, Hemlocks and Oaks to conquer their deep water tests. They also spent time at tennis and at special team work sessions with Walker. Senior Campers were out and about at volleyball, fitness, waterski, basketball and sailing. After a delicious Chinese food dinner, we had a very relaxing evening by group. C/Ps played Escape on the soccer field, Hemlocks were over playing baseball at the small field, Oaks had handball in the hockey rink, Sycamores played Capture the Flag, Sequoias mastered Crosbee and the Maples and Seniors played…Kickball! Another hot one tomorrow. We’ll be spending our day enjoying the sun and cooling off in the water. Another great summer day at the best of the boys sleepaway camps in Bridgton, Maine. See you tomorrow!

Teddy Friedman