Sunday Special

It was a hot and sunny day and it was filled with activities. But first, we were a little lazy like a Sunday morning. SportsCenter and a buffet breakfast of eggs, assorted pastries, fruit and cereal were waiting for campers as they walked up from the bunks. From there, they went down to the bunks to clean before morning activities. Throughout the day, Wildwood campers ventured off to lady camps all over Maine for their bro/sis/cousin days. Any pics we got will be in tomorrow’s album. We enjoyed chicken fingers and fries for lunch and and extended rest hour. Afternoon brought about more sun and activities. We finished the day with a special treat. We have a great group of staff members from both Spain and England so we watched the Euro Cup final in the lodge. Anyone who did not want to watch could choose from free swim, tennis, pickleball and some fun lawn games. We met at the flagpole to wrap up the day and then had spaghetti and meatballs for dinner! Today was also filled with tennis plus lessons and a trip to the rink for our ice hockey players! Another great day on tap tomorrow! See you then.

Teddy Friedman