Lots of Picks

The Sequoias woke up at the BU dorms and got busy! Their day consisted of a tour of Fenway Park, a trip to Quincy Market, a ride on Codzilla and a Red Sox game to end it! We began back at camp with flagpole and french toast and bacon for breakfast. After bunk cleaning, boys got busy. Lots on the schedule for everyone today like guitar, drums, archery, soccer, arts and crafts and media! We enjoyed meatball subs for lunch followed by rest hour. The afternoon brought about more activities like kickball, BMX, 3D printing, tennis and swimming. The CPs has a very fun intercamp of GaGa and Newcomb! We joined at flagpole to wrap up the day and then had Tacos for dinner! Groups had a mix of activities tonight as they gear up for trip day. See you then!

Teddy Friedman