What A Day!

A day for the ages! We started per usual up at the flagpole for ball scores followed by pancakes and bacon, plus fruit and cereal for breakfast. After bunk cleaning, campers had one normal period and then we all met in the gym. We went over some rules and then we began the Counselor Hunt! Campers joined up as teams of one child from each age group and stayed up in the gym while counselors hid for ten minutes. Then they scoured camp looking for them. Each staff member was worth their years in camp of chocolate! After a lunch of chicken quesadillas and a cool rest hour, Carnival got started! Floats, slides, booths, we had it all! We concluded the day with the culmination of the Senior Camp Games in the way of Tiger Tail. Congratulations to the Black Team! We met at the flagpole to wrap up the day and then had crispy orange chicken, egg rolls, noodles and fried rice for dinner! Groups had a mix of activities highlighted by our Sequoias taking a trip to Mataponi for a dance. Another great day on tap tomorrow. See you then!

Teddy Friedman