The day started early for the Senior as they began their trip up Mount Washington! Today was the Wildwood Invitational Tennis Tournament and we played host to seven other camps for single, doubles and mixed doubles competitions in the 10s, 12s and 14s. We began with flagpole and waffles with sausages plus cereal and fruit. After bunk cleaning, boys got busy. In addition to the tournament, the only other competition was a 13s baseball game (6-2 win!). The rest of camp enjoyed a full slate of activities. We enjoyed tacos for lunch followed by rest hour. The afternoon brought about more sun and activities. We met at the flagpole to wrap up the day and then had ravioli with string beans and breadsticks for dinner! Evening activity was highlighted by a dance for the Sycamores with the ladies from Walden. First trip day on tap for tomorrow! See you then.

Teddy Friedman