Welcome to the Jungle

What a busy day! A little bit of everything. Lots of sun, a lot of water time and a dynamite campfire from the Cedar Pines! It all started at the flagpole with the reading of ball scores and daily schedule. After breakfast sandwiches with crispy potatoes and sausage for breakfast, everyone went down to the bunks to clean before the start of morning activities. It was a full activity slate with the only intercamp being a 15s basketball game that we played host to. After chicken quesadillas for lunch and rest hour, we finished the day with a relaxing afternoon. We met at flagpole to recap the day and followed that up with pizza for dinner plus milkshakes for dessert. We all gathered at the campfire after dinner and were masterfully entertained by the Cedar Pines! Louis came up to read the clue, “Welcome to the Jungle!” BANG! A loud noise went off in the grove and AC/DC played over the loud speaker. An investigation of the noise ensued as Wildwood was being invaded. It all ended up in an out of this world experience in the gym. More content tomorrow! The WAR is ON! BLUE MONSTERS v. GRAY ALIENS. We’ll post teams to this diary in the AM and will add to the future diaries.

Teddy Friedman