Five Year Club

Today was a nice mix of regular scheduling plus so special fun. After ball scores and french toast, everyone cleaned up before the start of the morning. Mixed in with morning activities was the lake swim. Campers were able to try their hand at swimming across Woods Pond. Over 40 kids gave it a try! Lunch was chicken fingers and fries followed by rest hour. Winners of the CP/Hem Invitational and Senior Games got their ice cream in town after the meal. In the afternoon, boys participated in all the activities around camp, especially media, ropes, biking and archery. Tonight we celebrated our Five Year Club members by taking them out for dinner at BHOP. We closed the night with a stop on Main Street for ice cream. New club members receive a Five Year Club watch! Welcome all new members! Trip day tomorrow followed by packing day and leaving day. :-(

Teddy Friedman