And the winner is...

The Maples and Seniors woke up again in Burlington and Montreal respectively. The Senior got to the Montreal Alouettes CFL game the other night, enjoyed rides at La Ronde and explored the Underground City. The Maples spent the morning at UVM and then had a tour of the Ben and Jerry’s factory followed by a stop in North Conway on their way back to camp. They arrived home just before dinner. Back at camp, House Cup continued after everyone loaded up on breakfast quesadillas. The day included a mix of soccer, GaGa, handball, BMX, Harry Potter trivia, trashball and kickball. We had chicken patties for lunch followed by song practice. Team camp lap and more events filled the afternoon. After chicken and ribs for dinner, we all met at the campfire for the song and banner competition. What an incredible night for all four teams! Truly beautiful work. In the end, only one house could hold the cup. Congratulations to Gryffindor! Much deserved lazy morning on tap. See you tomorrow!

Teddy Friedman