Trip Time!

Wednesday is Trip Day here at Camp Wildwood and this time we beat the rain! After breakfast and bunk cleaning, everyone hit the road! The Sycamores woke up SUPER early and drove up Cadillac Mountain to be the first people in the US to see the sunrise. A true core memory. Cedar Pines hit the road for the Saco Valley Sports Center and then caught ice cream on the way. back. Hemlocks and Oaks climbed high at Monkey C Monkey Do. The Sequoias visited Old Orchard Beach for fun in the shade. Back at camp, the Maples and Seniors prepared for their big trips that start tomorrow and then got dinner and movie in town. The Maples also had a social with Pinecliffe upon their return. We finished the day with burgers, dogs and chicken down at the cookout. See you tomorrow!

Teddy Friedman