Overnight Time!

What a day it was! When it was all said and done, only two groups were left at Wildwood. We began with flagpole and french toast with bacon plus cereal and fruit. After bunk cleaning, boys got busy. The Seniors embarked on their trip to Portland while the Maples and Sequoias hoped on a bus to The Forks for some white water rafting! The Cedar Pines had a dodgeball tournament and then came back to camp to get ready for their overnight adventure. A group of Oaks also went to a big kickball tournament and finished 2nd! We enjoyed hotdogs and mac n’ cheese for lunch followed by rest hour. The Hemlocks joined the Cedar Pines and they all took off for their overnight adventure at the Covered Bridge. Back at camp, we played host to an 11s hockey tournament. The afternoon brought about more sun and activities. We met at the flagpole to wrap up the day and then had Taco Tuesday for dinner! Another great trip day on tap for tomorrow! See you then.

Teddy Friedman