The Oaks Are Off!

Goodbye Oaks! See you on Thursday. We waved farewell to the 11s as they began their White Mountain Adventure! We began with flagpole and french toast with sausage plus cereal and fruit. After bunk cleaning, boys got busy. The Oaks left just after breakfast and the rest of camp got started. The Seniors opened the day with a mixed doubles tournament with Camp Pinecliffe! The 12s hosted the first of a double header at the big baseball field. We enjoyed meatball subs for lunch followed by rest hour. We played host to a 14s football tournament in addition to the full schedule. After tacos for dinner, JR campers took early showers and are about to meet up at the lodge for the MLB All-Star game and some pizza! A monster trip day on tap for tomorrow! See you then.

Teddy Friedman