Summer is Short, But Camp Wildwood Lasts FOrever

A summer at camp Wildwood may only be seven weeks long, but the relationships formed and the memories shared make a life long impact.

Don’t just take it from us, Hear About it from former campers and staff members.


College ROommates


Ben and Josh met as nine year olds on the bus up to camp in 2012 and became friends immediately. After seven summers as campers and another three as counselors, the two of them just moved into Elon University together as freshmen roommates.



Landing the big Job

The old saying goes “It’s not what you know, it’s who you know.” During Spencer’s recent job hunt, he came across a lead that caught his eye. A Camp Wildwood Alum (Jared) posted a position as analyst at his new fund.





It is hard to count the number of Camp Wildwood alums who invite their bunkmates to stand up next to them while they share vows with their future partner.