Lake Swims and Game Two!

Oaks on the Water and Cedar Pines Up the Hill

It was another beautiful day in Maine at Camp Wildwood and the boys made the most of it! Sundays are special here at Camp Wildwood and the boys were able to walk up to breakfast at their leisure for a buffet style meal. We had scrambled eggs, pastries, bacon, fruit and cereal for breakfast and after a cleaning of the bunks, the Cedar Pines opened their day with waterski, arts and crafts, golf and BMX and then spent the rest of the day hiking Mount Pleasant. The Hemlocks started with a basketball practice followed by ski, photography, arts and crafts and golf. The Oaks and Sycamores spent their morning in Woods Pond trying their hand at the Lake Swim. Congrats to everyone who tried! Over in Senior Camp, the Sequoias had a 3 on 3 hoops tournament and the Maples and Seniors played handball followed by a softball game on the little field.


After reubens and rachels for lunch and a relaxing rest hour, the Hemlocks had lacrosse, tennis baseball and swimming while the Oaks took a canoe trip around Woods Pond and then had tennis and waterski. The Sycamores spent their afternoon at basketball, ski and arts and crafts and then joined the Sequoias for a football game. At the end of the day, everyone joined to watch the end of the Euro Cup. What an exciting match! After steak, potatoes and veggies for dinner, the Hemlocks and Oaks faced off in Game 2 of their basketball series. We’ll let you know who won tomorrow! Another great Maine summer day lies ahead. Another great summer day at the best of the boys sleepaway camps in Bridgton, Maine. See you then!

Teddy Friedman