Every Day is the Best Day

Hemlock Adventure Time

It was another great summer day in Maine at Camp Wildwood and the boys had the best time! One group of boys left for an all day rock climbing trip before anyone even came up for breakfast! After scrambled eggs, potatoes, bacon, fruit and cereal for breakfast and after a cleaning of the bunks, the Cedar Pines opened their day with swimming and then baseball and golf. The Hemlocks spent their day hiking throughout the White Mountains. Over in Oak land, those boys had baseball and arts and crafts followed by tennis and the Sycamores had soccer, waterski and golf followed by swimming. Over in Senior Camp, the Sequoias had lacrosse, soccer and waterski. They also went on a run as a group and went on a bike ride around the neighborhood while the Maples and Seniors played tennis and baseball and also spent time at archery.

Fun in the Sun

After McRibs for lunch and a relaxing rest hour, the sun was shining all afternoon. The Cedar Pines could be found at hockey, ping pong, archery, tennis, football and BMX. The Oaks spent their afternoon at lacrosse, golf, swimming, hockey and waterski and the Sycamores had tennis, hockey, archery, fitness, football, BMX and ping pong. Senior Campers enjoyed swimming, tennis, basketball, archery, baseball, golf, soccer and waterski. After a delicious Chinese food dinner, the boys at camp enjoyed evening activity by group. Camp Wildwood was buzzing with handball, futsal, running bases, crosbee and capture the flag. Another great Maine summer day lies ahead. Another great summer day at the best of the boys sleepaway camps in Bridgton, Maine. See you then!

Teddy Friedman