Movie Night Surprise

It was another great summer day in Maine at Camp Wildwood. But first, let’s talk about last night! After Louis surprised the boys at the movie theater, everyone came back to camp and made their way down to the grove. Waiting for them was a video message from Camp Wildwood Alum and current Mets broadcaster, Steve Gelbs. From there, everyone ran to the lax field for the NCAA Championship between Syracuse and Maryland. After that, everyone ran to the gym for a battle between Duke and UNC. LIGHTS WENT OUT! Video message on the wall from NFL Hall of Famer RAY LEWIS! Everyone to the golf course for Ohio State vs. Michigan. GOAL LINE STAND, FIREWORKS, TEAMS, COLOR WAR! BLUE ACC vs. GRAY BIG TEN! Teams are listed at the bottom of the diary.

After pancakes, scrambled eggs, sausage, bacon, fruit and cereal for breakfast and a cleaning of the bunks, the action began! The schedule was full of awesome games. Baseball, Football, Basketball, Archery, Tennis, GaGa, Ping Pong, Soccer, Volleyball and more! We ended the day with the annual spelling bee and two All-Star Basketball games!


BLUE: 248

GRAY: 155

Another great summer day at the best of the boys sleepaway camps in Bridgton, Maine.

Teddy Friedman