Lots of Learing!

It was actually the most perfect Maine day. 55 when everyone woke up, sunny from the start and 75 at the high. The vibe around camp matched the excellent weather. It started with full camp flagpole just like every morning. We read ball scores, talk about the day ahead, (remind camp about water and sunscreen) and head to breakfast. Chocolate chip pancakes and bacon plus (as always) cereal, oatmeal, fruit and yogurt were waiting for us. From there, campers went down to the bunks to clean before morning activities. No two days are the same, but one of the buttons below will show you the schedule from today as an example. For lunch we had chicken and cheese quesadillas with chips and guac. 1pm to 2pm is rest hour. The junior campers spend time in their bunks and senior campers have supervised free time. Afternoon brought about more sun and activities. We met again at the flagpole to wrap up the day and then had Pizza for dinner! Groups had a nice mix of evening activities including a Cedar Pine/Hemlock scavenger hunt and an Oak basketball intra-squad. Another great day on tap tomorrow! See you then.

Teddy Friedman