A Classic Camp Wildwood Day

Challenge by Choice

One of the best summer days here at Camp Wildwood in Maine! After donuts, eggs, bacon, fruit and cereal for breakfast and a cleaning of the bunks, each group of boys got busy around camp. The Cedar Pines spent their morning at lacrosse, golf, ping pong, soccer and waterski while the Hemlocks enjoyed soccer, BMX, baseball and archery. The Oaks opened up their morning with a chill time down by the water and then worked on their skills on the tennis court. The Sycamores had basketball, fitness, lacrosse, biking and ping pong. Over in Senior Camp, the Sequoias spent their day canoeing on the Saco River and the Maples and Seniors had tennis and then waterfront.

Cookout = The BEST Camp Dinner

After a classic trip lunch and a relaxing rest hour, everyone got back out for an afternoon full of fun activities. The Cedar Pines had tennis, swimming, basketball, BMX and archery and the Hemlocks were at lacrosse, ping pong, tennis and swimming. The Oaks got busy at baseball, archery, basketball, BMX, football and ping pong while the Sycamores had swimming, baseball, archery and tennis. The Maples and Seniors spent their afternoon at soccer, fitness, lacrosse, ping pong and volleyball. After burgers, dogs, and bbq chicken for dinner, everyone stayed busy at Showcase, Hunger Games, Crosbee, Home Run Derby and more! Another great Maine summer camp day. Another great summer day at the best of the boys sleepaway camps in Bridgton, Maine. See you tomorrow!

Teddy Friedman